FAQ Hormone Imbalance
Read on for Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Hormone Imbalance to answer all your questions about hormone imbalance and hormones.
FAQ Hormone Imbalance: How can I tell if I have Hormone Imbalance?
If you have had any 2 of the following at any point in your life, you may have Hormone Imbalance:
- Breast Swelling/Tenderness
- Breast Fibrocysts/Tumors
- Breast Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer
- Hysterectomy/D&C
- Tubal Ligation
- Use Birth Control Pills
- Use An IUD
- Exposed To DES In Utero
- Heavy/Irregular Periods
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Gallbladder Symptoms
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Water Retention
- Migraines/Headaches
- Stroke
- Weight Gain In Abdomen/Hips
- Fibromyalgia
If you have had any 5 of the following, including the list above, at any point in your life, you may have Hormonal Imbalance:
- Infertility
- Hypertension
- Varicose Veins
- Cyclic Acne
- Difficulty Losing Weight
- Joint/Muscle Pain
- Bruise Easily
- Blurred Vision/Flashes Of Light
- Hemorrhoids/Constipation
- Asthma
- Dark Circles Under The Eyes
- Insomnia
- Inability To Concentrate
- Hypoglycemia
- Craving For Sweets
FAQ Hormonal Imbalance: What can Hormone Imbalance cause?
- Headaches & Migraines
- Cramps & PMS
- Depression & Fatigue
- Bloating Or Stubborn Fat
- Breast Tenderness
- Blood Sugar Imbalances
- Mood Swings
- Irregular Cycles
- Miscarriage
- Insomnia
- Hot Flashes
- Anxiety
- Reduced Sex Drive
- Facial Hair
- Breast Cancer
- Prostate/Testicular Cancer
- Osteoporosis
- Infertility
FAQ Hormonal Imbalance: What are Possible Side Effects of Synthetic Hormones?
Eg. Birth Control Pill & Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Estrogen Substitutes:
- Breast Tenderness
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Fluid Retention
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Headaches
- Leg Cramps
- Gallstones
- Blood Clots
- High Blood Pressure
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Increased Risk Of Endometrial & Breast Cancer
Progesterone Substitutes:
- Breast Tenderness
- Impaired Milk Production If Lactate
- Fluid Retention & Swelling
- Acne
- Skin Rashes
- Hair Loss/Masculine Hair Growth
- Menstrual Irregularities
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Breast Cancer
- Weight Gain & Depression
- Blood Clots Esp. Lungs & Brain
- Birth Defects If Taken during Pregnancy
FAQ Hormonal Imbalance: How does Natural Progesterone work?
- Natural Diuretic
- Appears To Help Sex-Drive
- Normalizes Blood Clotting
- Aids Thyroid Hormone Action
- Acts As Natural Antidepressant
- Maintenance Of Lining Of Uterus
- Normalizes Zinc And Copper Levels
- Promotes Proper Cell-Oxygen Levels
- Protects Against Endometrial & Breast Cancer
- Helps Keep Blood Sugar Levels Normal
- Protects Against Fibrocystic Breast Changes
- Promotes BONE BUILDING And Protects Against Osteoporosis
- Promotes FAT BURNING For Temperature Maintenance
- Precursor Of Other Hormones, Eg. Testosterone, Estrogen & Cortisone
- Promotes Survival Of The Embryo & Fetus Throughout The Gestation Period
Get Hormonally Balanced with Dr. Jiwani: Call 604.679.9988
This information is for educational purposes only and does not advocate self-diagnosis. Due to individual variability, consultation with a licensed health professional, such as a licensed naturopathic physician is highly recommended, prior to starting a natural treatment plan. For further information, see Terms of our Website.
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