Educating & Guiding Patients to Optimal Health
Allergy Blood Testing
Pharmaceutical Prescribing Authority
Hair Loss, Alopecia (Autoimmune Diseases)
Naturopathic Supervised Weight Loss, Body Sculpting & Cellulite
Cosmetic Wrinkle Injections & Dermal Fillers
IV Chelation & IV Vitamin-Mineral Injections
Prolotherapy Ozone Regenerative Injections
Dr. Jiwani Reviews

Dr. Jiwani Reviews
I am a 25 year old female who is currently seeing Dr. Jiwani. I don’t know what I would have done without her. I have had severe eczema my whole life. It just became worse as I got older. Trying to stop using cortisone I saw Chinese herbalists and then a kinesiologist/herbalist. I tried to detoxify and ended up in the hospital. I was covered in eczema head to toe, with open oozing skin on my body that just wouldn’t heal. My neck was an open would. It must have been open for a week or more, along with my arms. I was ulcering. They put me on IV **** in the hospital plus released me on ****. My attempts to go off it resulted in more hospital trips. I felt so sick, and my whole body was swollen and my cheeks were puffy. Getting up every day was a struggle, it was the first time in my life I thought of death, because it would take my pain away. No words could describe how helpless and frustrated I felt. My boy friend was currently seeing Dr. Jiwani, and I could see she was helping him, so I went to see her. She gave me ************, and within two months I was off **** completely!!
I was amazed. My skin wasn’t swollen, and I was able to just use ********. I continued seeing her, and followed the diet she had me on religiously! By Christmas (about 6 months later) I was only using cortisone once a week or less. By the next summer I could go a week without even using moisturizer. One bottle of **** cream must have lasted me 3 months, and I didn’t even really need it. I felt more alive and healthy than I ever have. My hair even got thicker and shinier. I appreciate what Dr. Jiwani has done for me so much. It really takes dedication and work on your part too to get better, but I couldn’t have done it without her. Feeling beautiful was something I thought I’d never feel again. And now I do. Thank-you so much Dr. Jiwani, you changed my life!

Dr. Jiwani Reviews
For anyone looking for these deeply personal questions that you always knew there was an answer to somewhere, for me, I’ve found those answers.
The main reason for this search was because of deteriorating health that climaxed with a gallbladder attacks.
Unfortunately, through extensive, unpleasant, impersonal testing with the “medical” terms they all could come up with no answers to all. My symptoms, you talk about being frustrated. The pain, discomfort, bloating up to 6 inches (what is this an invisible pregnancy?) continued for 8 long months.
Within 2 weeks of getting ********** and strictly following the diet suggested, I was feeling like my old self again. Totally delivered if all my frustrating health problems. Finally, getting on with life.
How to say it’s easy would be lying. There has been my tears shed in this change of life, and to say it still isn’t hard wouldn’t be honest.
All I can say is, you “got to do what you got to do” believe me I never thought my search would have ended here. We are a normal family just like you and even though most haven’t traveled down this new path doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.
So broaden your thoughts and do what you got to do.
Thank you so much Dr. Jiwani for your kind, caring personable time and self. Our lives are forever enriched because of the direction you have given us.
Very heavy periods. Low sex drive, problems sleeping, feelings of being overwhelmed, poor digestion, allergies, weight gain, haunted me for years until Dr. Jiwani showed me how to be healthy, happy and full of life and energy. It is a blessing to have her in my life so that I can be the mother, wife, educator and friend I want to be. Listen to her, she is wise, kind and an inspiration.
I was always told that I couldn’t cure my ulcerative colitis and it was unpredictable to manage, but Dr. Jiwani has shown me different. I finally feel back to my normal self, after 3 years of discomfort and frustration. Her recommended diet gives me energy and a new passion for healthy cooking. I now look forward to my new bloated free life.
Thanks Dr. Jiwani !
I am so happy with Dr. Jiwani and her prescribed treatment and advice! I have lost 28 pounds since March 14th, have a lot more energy and I enjoy exercise. I’ve gone from tired after work to so much energy to take my son to the park. Her open, honest approach has been the best – I even have paperwork on all of the tests she has run on me. She is a lovely, marvelous lady! Thank you!
For many years I had high cholesterol but I resisted taking my doctor-recommended cholesterol lowering drugs because of their side-effects. Finally my bad cholesterol level (LDL) climbed so high that I was told to go on medication or sink suffering a stroke. That’s when I decided to check out a natural way and under Dr. Jiwani’s direction I’ve stayed away from foods that stress my liver.
After 6 months I saw a significant reduction in my cholesterol level. Now a year later my LDL level is well within a normal range. Best of all, with Dr. Jiwani’s help, I’ve done it drug-free.
My endless attempts of improving my health had dismally failed. I was overweight, depressed, feeling horrible, exhausted and at my wits end.
Dr. Jiwani determined ************************ and a diet to follow. That was a few months ago, but I noticed considerable weight loss almost right away. I am now 45 lbs lighter, my energy level has increased tremendously and I am able to enjoy an active life again.
Thank you Dr. Jiwani
I have found my health improved my energy and …….for life ……….. I am grateful that after years of feeling tired and sick I am able to function as much better. I look forward to having Dr. Jiwani as my partner in good health.
To Whom It May Concern:
I was 221 lbs and uncomfortable with my health. I started Dr. Jiwani’s program and in 8 weeks have lost 22 lbs without any discomfort or hunger. The plan is amazing! I sleep through the night, have energy all day long. My stomach discomfort has disappeared. No more bloating, cramps or other problems. My snoring has disappeared! My arthritis pains have been reduced greatly. I have never felt this good in 20 years. I have dropped from 221 lbs to 199 and still planned to go 185. The benefit of Dr. Jiwani’s work is tremendous people spend a fortune keeping their cars maintained, why not spend a little and add years to your life? I found the cost of the visits and products to be less than what I was spending on restaurant food in one month. Comparison!
Thank you!
Dr. Tahira Jiwani’s naturopathic services are excellent. Excellent information as to my health and guidance as to, how to gain a better quality of health.
Since focusing on ********, I feel so much healthier and look forward to years of improvement, awareness and guidance from Dr. Jiwani.
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
To Whom It May Concern:
I was 221 lbs and uncomfortable with my health. I started Dr. Jiwani’s program and in 8 weeks have lost 22 lbs without any discomfort or hunger. The plan is amazing! I sleep through the night, have energy all day long. My stomach discomfort has disappeared. No more bloating, cramps or other problems. My snoring has disappeared! My arthritis pains have been reduced greatly. I have never felt this good in 20 years. I have dropped from 221 lbs to 199 and still planned to go 185. The benefit of Dr. Jiwani’s work is tremendous people spend a fortune keeping their cars maintained, why not spend a little and add years to your life? I found the cost of the visits and products to be less than what I was spending on restaurant food in one month. Comparison!
Thank you!
Dr. Tahira Jiwani’s naturopathic services are excellent. Excellent information as to my health and guidance as to, how to gain a better quality of health.
Since focusing on ********, I feel so much healthier and look forward to years of improvement, awareness and guidance from Dr. Jiwani.
I have been under the care of Dr. Jiwani for just over a year now. My initial visit was due to the fact that I was slightly over weight, suffered from migraine headaches, had stomach discomfort, tiredness and just a general unwell feeling. After just a few months on her recommended treatment I felt like a new person. The weight loss was quick and the headaches and other ailments quickly diminished. I had more energy and overall felt so much better. I would not hesitate in recommending Dr. Jiwani, in fact, many of my friends are under care and are also having positive results.
Since I have been on my naturopathic treatment, I have lost weight and not feeling hungry. My sleep pattern has improved as I get better rest.
I have 100 times more energy. Best of all, I don’t feel sick as in the past.
After approximately 8 months of seeing doctor’s and specialist’s, many prescription changes without results plus trips to the emergency. I could hardly walk on crutches. When I went to see Dr. Jiwani after 6 months of diet change and chelating, my knee and an ankle joint pain was gone and I have resumed my 4 mile walk and jog 3 times a week. My weight has dropped from 185 to 168 almost my recommended weight and I feel great. Her sensible approach to health, I would recommend to anyone.
For 25 days I was running from pillar to post to find out what was wrong with me, plenty of blood work and consultation left me with no answers. I finally visited Dr. Jiwani on Friday evening, she consulted with me even though I had made no prior appointment.
As I presented my symptoms she noted down and ********** she was ready with her diagnosis, solution & medication.
I got back home and took the medication for 1 day & it worked like pure magic, after 25 days I was able to get a good nights rest & my symptoms are slowly fading away.
In the past too Dr. Jiwani has been of tremendous help.
Thanks a ton for your help.
At 57 years of age and grossly overweight, I was suffering with aching joints, acid reflux, lots of frustration and low self-esteem. With Dr. Jiwani’s help, I have lost more than 40 pounds and turned my life around. By changing the way I eat I have ridded myself of aches and pain, effects of acid reflux as well as gaining a more positive outlook in life.
I wanted to write and Thank you for everything you have done for me. 9 months ago I was in the hospital struggling with depleted immune system, being fed water and sugar through a tube. For as long as I can remember I lived in sickness, suffering greatly from allergies, I did not even know I had. My family and I went to thousands of doctors, but none of them were able to help me. Then finally we came to you. I never could have imagined the power of naturopathic medicine. Within a month I was perfectly healthy. No more sneezing, coughing, weakness, fatigue – and the long list of symptoms continues. I can remember walking into a coffee shop and I started to sneeze. Not just a couple little sneezes, but big loud sneezes. I ran to the washroom and sneezed in privacy for 45 minutes. I cannot imagine ever having to live like that again. I thank you so much for what you have done for my health. I pray that other people come to realize the sometimes underestimated power of naturopathic lifestyle, and that you are able to save them in the undeniable way that you have saved me. Forever grateful.
Our son Jani is 8 years old, he was at least 2 years behind his school age kids. Jani had just few words at age 4 and always very quite too good for a boy. Hardly ever looked in to our eyes. Did not play with children, always beside then. Did not ask questions, everything was okay for him. Did not sleep well at night. His nose was plugged as soon he fall a sleep and because of that he woke up many times at night. No allergy medication helped him breath clearly. Did not digest his food properly, had diarrhea for the last 5-6 years many times a week, doctors could not find anything. No diagnosis. I just wanted him so much to be a child his age. Just be himself.
In August we came to see Dr. Jiwani – I don’t think we ever got such an attention from a professional before – we changed Jani’s diet. And what a difference no diarrhea, just in two weeks in to his diet! After two months ever our friends started to see it. He sleeps through the night, clear breathing no sweating! He has energy during the day, looks into our eyes, started to talk a lot!
Jani is a very happy boy, he is exploring, sees the world around him, plays together with other children.
In a few words, his behavior changed for the better. We will keep his diet until we have the green light from Dr. Jiwani
This means so much to us! To him! We are so happy to see him growing and getting healthier day by day. I do recommend your service to everybody who need help with their health.
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
I believe the ***** done through your guidance to evaluate ************ was the most comprehensive evaluations one can use to start the road to a better control on what one puts in to their body, as our blood I believe is the foundation of our total well being. I’ve been on my diet for 14 months I feel better every month. It takes this long to start to turn my general health around. My blood work done by my MD is 3 pages long and he explains to me the gray column shows any problems I may have. There was nothing in the gray area in the past my LDL-cholesterol is 2.13. In the past I had a problem for the past 20 years reading as high as 6.6. My sugar count was as high as 13.5 and now is 5.6. My type 2 diabetes is in control no ****. My skin has cleared up, I lost a considerable amount of weight in the past year, lost 4 inches on my waste. I was frustrated the first few months as it took me 63 years to get the way I was. I am approaching 65. I feel my general health improving. The supplement have helped to clear my bronchiolar tubes, memory problems, help with sleep, stomach, arthritis pain.
Approximately three and half years ago I began to develop eczema & allergies. It became progressively worse, until it was so itchy that I would scratch myself until I was bruised and bleeding. I came to see Dr. Jiwani after trying for several years to find out the cause and alleviate this eczema.
I tried conventional treatments such as **** creams, changing my laundry and body Soaps. I even stopped using soap on my body and used an emulsifying cream to bathe with.
After several attempts to control my eczema my family physician sent me to a skin specialist who actually did allergy tests. The patch test that was done on me, showed only one allergic reaction and that was to black hair dye. A product that I do not nor ever would use.
When I requested that we look into the cause of the eczema more thoroughly, he told me to go home and cover my body with Vaseline and come back in a couple of weeks to see if there was any improvement.
In my frustration I called Dr. Jiwani and booked an appointment. Dr. Jiwani did a food allergy blood test, which showed that I was allergic to several common foods that I was eating regularly.
Since changing my diet, the eczema has completely disappeared, I am no longer bloated after every meal, I have not had heartburn for months, my energy level has increased and I don't get the afternoon sleepier. I have lost 15lbs. and I am losing fat and regaining muscle, which has increased my stamina and improved the shape of my body. I look better, feel better and am thankful for Dr. Jiwani's guidance and commitment to my health and well-being. She has made it easy for me to follow my diet and has been available to answer any questions I have had.
In the spring I suffer from seasonal allergies, which had been treated with **** a cortical steroid nasal spray. I used between two and three bottles over a period of six weeks each year. This year Dr. Jiwani gave me a homeopathic remedy, which I took for approximately three weeks. This year I experienced no hay fever symptoms and did not use the nasal spray once. What a relief!!
Recently Dr Jiwani had to cancel an appointment with me as she hurt herself at work and went to the hospital for treatment. She personally phoned me to cancel and apologized profusely for the inconvenience to me. I was very impressed. I have never had a Dr. or Dr's office call me to cancel an appointment, nor have they ever apologized to me when I turned up for the appointment and the Doctor was not there. Dr Jiwani and her staff (Serg) are always prompt and extremely helpful and courteous. They appreciate that my time is as valuable to me as theirs is to them. This is very refreshing.
I went to Dr. Jiwani because a coworker had success seeing her. My severe eczema left me physically & emotionally scarred, depressed from the fatigue and isolation. The itchiness keeping me awake, driving me crazy. She helped me get soft healthy skin and recover from all the scarring eczema. I know now that the body can heal itself. I am happy to refer her to my friends and family.
Thanks to Dr. Jiwani’s experience & affordability I have overcome my autoimmune baldness, that caused complete hair loss on my head and parts of my body. My specialist offered no hope but steroid injections without promise. I've got more energy and lost some weight too. Dr. Jiwani is caring and compassionate. I've been to another naturopath before, and in comparison everything was much more affordable, surprising since she has 20 years experience.
Dr. Jiwani asks questions, listens, and is forthright with her answers. Her experience definitely shows. I was looking for a veteran as I wanted to get my health dealt with so I was looking for someone with autoimmune experience, so I was referred by another patient with colitis. Colitis is scary especially when your specialist is threatening surgery, so I was glad to see a naturopath with awareness of my situation. I felt like I was in good hands. I now understand the way she is with autoimmune patients as she herself has autoimmune so she understands the pain and frustration. Her recommendations provided dramatic relief. It has been four months and I am now free of symptoms, no bloody diarrhea, gut pain or terrible gas. I feel great and am happy to be able to see a theatre movie without running to the washroom. I can’t wait to see my specialist to share the good news and piss him off, just kidding he’s a decent doc.
About six months ago, out of the blue, I started suffering life threatening allergic reactions that would send me to the emergency. In fact, I spent more time at the hospital than at home the first month. My doctors couldn’t figure out why this was happening. Even my allergy specialist was stumped, short of prescribing anti-histamines and epipens. I was referred to Dr. Jiwani by my boss, who was also concerned about all my time off work. During my first visit, we thoroughly discussed my entire health history, symptoms and medical treatments. I was shocked as to how descriptively Dr. Jiwani diagnosed my condition, which was confirmed with in-depth blood testing. Within weeks of treatment, my hospital visits had reduced to 25% and I am now symptom free after only a few months. My program is challenging but it is worth it compared to the potentially fatal alternative. I am thrilled with the hand holding help from Dr. Jiwani to live life with my modifications, she really cares! I highly recommend her if you wish to get healthy.
I had such terrible acid reflux for six years, that I was a walking zombie from the lack of sleep as I couldn't even lie down. I had been living on Peptobismol for years and it does work! I would have happily continued for many more years. It was a common problem I shared with a friend I hang out like a running joke with us. He saw this doctor and felt immediate results. Although I'm not one to believe in the natural approach, I gave it a shot. Within a few months, our jokes have now changed focus to the Canucks! In all seriousness, I enjoyed my time and experience with this approach. Which is saying a lot for a brain dead dude like me. I also thank Dr. Jiwani for not only assisting me but for tolerating my dry humour.
Dr J has been seeing my 6 year old daughter for the past year and we have noticed a dramatic difference in her health, mood & behaviour. After the teacher complained about behavioural issues in class, we visited a few different doctors to figure out what to do but the problem kept on. From day one I was given a full explanation of the issue and approach we would take. We started treatment right away. I liked the take charge attitude of Dr J and my daughter looks forward to seeing her. Her mood has changed and she's doing better in school. The dry skin, scalp and her scratching has also stopped. The only major issue I’ve found is getting the grandparents on board as they babysit.
I would frequently get sick because I work with children. I had run out of sick days and my medical doctor said I was fine. I had heard of naturopaths but never seen one. I liked that my first visit to Dr. Jiwani was that I could hear her take on my health before committing. She discussed my history, symptoms and the frequent antibiotics I had been taking for my recurrent infections. I underwent testing and from the moment I started treatment, I could tell that my immunity was stronger. I’m happy as I’ve only gotten sick once in the past six months, and it didn't last long. One thing I’ve learnt is that when I abuse my body I really feel the effects such as low energy. I have also lost some weight. I view health differently now and I am happy to spread the word. My one word of caution with the naturals is that it requires some inner strength but I felt it was worth it for me.
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
If you’ve ever had migraine headaches, and taken the drug, you understand why I decided to seek an alternative. My sister had seen an naturopath as she was having difficulty getting pregnant and she just had her baby so I decided to see Dr. Jiwani. She has a prescription license so she allowed me to wean off my drug slowly, as I was scared to stop it immediately. She did not challenge that fear, and I am grateful that she understood my fear. I love seeing a woman doctor who understands the hardships of hormones and headaches. I felt she loves what she does and I felt comfortable with her. I found her fees surprisingly low so that always helps. I thank my sister for referring this doctor to me as I found her very helpful and I feel better.
Our family has been seeing Dr. Jiwani since 1998. My mom, brothers and I have always been taken care of. My brothers and I found it fun to visit Dr. Jiwani and I just want to say that her style has not changed one bit as I now take my daughter in to see her. I found it touching that she asked my daughter to draw a picture to occupy her, so that we could talk. Just like what she did with me when I was little, coming in with my mother. I appreciate that along with her compassion and friendliness, she is affordable and always smiling. I continue to see her and entrust my family to her is because she’s effective, thorough and scientific in her approach.
I took my 14 year old son to see Dr. Jiwani as his kidneys were failing. We were hopeful as she came highly recommended. Our first visit was intense and I couldn’t believe what she felt the diagnosis was, and how she planned to address it. I had trust because of her reputation and am glad we followed through as Dr. Jiwani has reversed my son’s disease. He was at 20% kidney function and after 5 months his kidneys are working at 66%. I am just frustrated that doctors don’t believe in natural medicine, as my son could have ended up on dialysis, needing a transplant.
When I found a few bald spots in my hair, I panicked. I started the doctor recommended steroid injections but I still kept getting new spots on my head then I started losing my eyebrows & patches in my beard. Shaving my head was not hiding it anymore. I found Dr. Jiwani because of her experience with hair loss and alopecia. She is confident and to the point and now I get why. I got my hair back within a few months of treatment just as we discussed and I feel in control of my health. I feel justified in telling people about her as she’s much cheaper than others I researched and she has decades of experience.
My girlfriend referred me because of my diabetes and weight gain. It was getting serious as I was feeling sleepy after lunch which put me in a bad mood in the afternoons. My doctor said I had to lose weight or I could have a heart attack but nothing was helping. I followed Dr. Jiwani’s advice and lost 70 lbs in 6 months and my blood sugar and cholesterol are normal now. My pant size has gone from 45 inch to 38 inch and I am not getting chest pain or breathing problems. Dr. Jiwani is helping me slowly come off my prescriptions as I don’t need them anymore.
When I first met Dr. Jiwani I was in a bad way. My hives were happening every day and I couldn’t figure out why. My doctor referred me to an allergist but that was 6 months away. I was irritated and tired from having to take strongest antihistamine that would keep it tolerable. I remember how she went through my health so thoroughly, and her confidence when she told me what we have to do. I was willing because I was desperate. When we met again I was stunned at what she was proposing but still I agreed. Upon starting my treatment, it was shocking at how quickly the changes in my body happened. It has been over six months and I rarely get hives unless I stray from the plan. I now understand the importance of my health and how I can help myself. It is very empowering. A pain in the ass but I control it;)
It is truly heartbreaking to see large bald spots on your child’s head, and more so when they are teased at school. We found Dr. Jiwani online as she has experienced alopecia, which is what the dermatologist diagnosed. I did not want topical or injectable steroids for treatment. I needed to find out why it happened. We followed the natural recommendations by Dr. Jiwani to the letter with much effort. She explained to my daughter & I what was happening in her body with easy examples. These provided the foundation for my daughter to understand why we were making certain changes in her life. I have never seen such a dedicated, hardworking doctor, emailing responses so promptly even in the night. I am thrilled to say that now my twelve year old has a full head of healthy hair and she has been able to maintain this. Many thanks!
I have had asthma my entire life but when my son was diagnosed I was really upset. It was becoming difficult to control and affecting his much loved past time playing sports. Even before COVID started I was really worried about his lungs and his weak immune system. After repeated emergency visits, feeling hopeless and frustrated with the various ineffective drugs he was prescribed, I sought out Dr. Jiwani. Her advice is frank and strong, and we were happy to be in such confident hands. It has been over a year since we started treatment. No infections, no emergency visits, with easy breathing and no inhalers! My son is healthy, strong and looking forward to playing sports again. The best part is my son now understands that his health is within his hands.
I received excellent care from Dr. Jiwani after extensive chemo and radiation treatment for breast cancer, which ravaged my body inside and out. She is knowledgeable and compassionate. I am so much healthier than I was before and have learned a lot about my body, my health and prevention.
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
I didn’t realize the effects of all the drugs I had taken over the years trying to get rid of my acne. Then one day, they stopped working and my acne came back with a vengeance. That’s when I looked for a natural way. My girlfriend had seen Dr. Jiwani with wow results. I was unsure at first but meeting her made me feel reassured. Once I started my regime, my detox was hard as all those poisons were leaving my body. Then I felt the shift and I could see the change in my skin. I learnt that skin is a reflection of your gut so I can tell when I stray as it sure shows!
My friend told me to Dr. Jawani’s clinic. My son has constipation and I don’t want him on the laxatives all the time which is all the doctor can say. After 2 months of treatment, he was going everyday himself without pain or tummy problem. He is so happy now and almost different kid.
Dr. Jiwani helped me deal with my Hashimoto’s thyroid issue. I have more energy, motivation, got my hair and my body back!
I was referred to Dr. Jiwani by a friend who got her hair back after large bald spots all over. I have celiac, but I still felt sick even after six months without gluten. My doctor couldn’t figure out why so he said try a naturopath. Dr. Jiwani did testing to find out my other issues. I wasn’t absorbing my food, losing weight, diarrhea and once she revised my eating I was feeling better after a few months. My iron is improving and I’m gaining weight looking better. Really happy to feel healthy again and very thankful to Dr. Jiwani.
I met Dr. Jiwani when I took my mom in for her diabetes, and really liked her approach. I decided to see her myself for stubborn weight that wouldn’t budge even after going keto. She really covered many aspects of my health, and after a few months of treatment I was down 15kg with 3kg to go. My mom is also not diabetic anymore per her doctor and is off her meds. Really recommend:)
I used to play football but then I got injured, slowed down and by my 30s I weighed 290. My doctor said with my obesity, if I did not lose weight I would have a heart attack. From Dr. Jiwani’s treatment I lost 60 pounds of fat, no more high blood pressure, cholesterol and my joint pain is gone.
My child has ADHD and really suffered from the drugs prescribed. Our child psychologist referred us. I really liked how Dr. Jiwani interacted with him, explaining his health and how we would address his issues. We were very happy how well he responded to his diet change and medicines. His teacher is equally impressed with his focus and academic improvement.
Thanks to Dr. Jiwani I grew my hair back from baldness to my healthy hair. My hairdresser is shocked as we were preparing for a wig. I lost 10kg and feel so much energy!
Many who have fibromyalgia know that it is a debilitating and frustrating condition. My doctors plural can only prescribe drugs which I was tired of trying and being dependent on. I was referred to Dr. Jiwani through a family friend who had great success. I did not realize how different treatment would be, but I am a believer. I have no symptoms now of muscle pain or fatigue because we have dealt with many issues my doctor didn’t even find.
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
After suffering for 25 years with terrible migraines, I am happy to report that I have not had a headache in 6 months. Although not as easy as popping a painkiller, I feel better on a daily basis so it is worth it.
My doctor kept testing my thyroid saying it is normal, but I felt terrible, tired, weak, depressed and so bloated I looked pregnant. Dr. Jiwani did special testing, outlined a plan for me and helped me get my groove back. I have recommended friends & family who have gotten great help too.
Dr. Jiwani does my Wrinkle and Filler injections. She’s the least expensive around, and she is very thorough, takes her time, with a conservative technical approach. I have been made to feel ugly by another doctor when getting assessed for injections. I was nervous to try again. Dr. Jiwani made me feel beautiful and worked to enhance my features. I look so natural, refreshed and youthful. My friends have been to see her for their treatments and are also very happy.
I was diagnosed with colitis a few years ago, and with the drugs I was in remission. Then I had a ulcerative colitis flare that did not respond to multiple medications, so facing biologics I was looking for a naturopath to help. A lady at the grocery store recommended Dr. Jiwani. She’s very busy but I’m glad I waited to see her. Once I started treatment, I was feeling better after only a few months. I am so glad to have her as a part of my health team.
My hair was never thick but when I started feeling areas with no hair I started to panic. I had lost half of my hair by the time I saw the dermatologist. Online research confirmed the steroid injections for hair loss as temporary so I looked for a natural doctor. Dr. Jiwani came highly recommended especially with autoimmune hair loss so I made an appointment. I found her comforting as she took a detailed history of my health, and outlined her direction of treatment. She knows what she is doing because it took 6 months of treatment to get all of my hair back, and I feel healthier than ever! Dr. Jiwani is great with email but you have to book a few months ahead for an appointment.
Since COVID I have been concerned about my asthma and the steroids I have to take to control it. Even my doctor supported my decision to see a naturopath as the drugs have become much less effective. I found Dr. Jiwani from a friend’s recommendation, and am so glad. After just a few months of treatment, my breathing test is 80% better and I rarely need my inhaler after using it every day. I am not scared to get sick now as my lungs are stronger and healthier than they ever have been.
I never had rashes before in my life, and the doctor diagnosed them as hives saying I can take antihistamines every day to control it. Every day I had to take this drug and if I didn’t take it, they come back worse in more areas of my body. A nice lady at the drugstore saw me stocking up, we got to chatting and she told me about Dr. Jiwani. She was direct yet kind and explained what I had to do. This treatment has allowed me to stop the antihistamines completely and still not get hives! My skin is now healthy and soft, not red, dry and itchy anymore.
Dr. Jiwani helped me get rid of my migraines. I was sick of the pain so bad I had to miss work and so frequent that it was interfering with my life. I really recommend her! She's busy, so you have to book ahead.
My psoriasis is a lot better after treatment, and my joint pain has improved so I don’t need painkillers. I never thought natural treatments could have such a powerful effect, it’s inspiring!
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
Once I turned 45 my weight wouldn’t budge, and my periods were heavy & painful or didn’t show up. Worse I felt hormonal symptoms all month long and my very patient husband was losing it on me. A colleague couldn’t stop talking about Dr. Jiwani so I booked an appointment. Bad news - I had to wait 2 months, good news - within 9 months of her recommendations I feel younger, balanced and as lean as when I was in my 20s!
I was diagnosed with low thyroid decades ago, but I wasn’t really helpfully treated until I saw Dr. Jiwani. I now understand that there are so many factors that affect thyroid, you can’t just pop a pill! Now that I got my thyroid healthier, wow I feel like a different person, and look it too. The sad part is I did not know this for 30 years! Get educated it makes a world of difference, and let Dr. Jiwani guide you as she has the knowledge, expertise and experience.
My wife told me to see Dr. Jiwani for my gout, very painful. Treatment works so good I have no more pain flare and lost my big stomach with 15 kilo weight down.
It took me 4 years 3 doctors and 2 naturopaths to finally fix my irritable bowel as no one approached it like Dr.Jiwani. She is thorough, caring and generous with her time. It is like having a doc on speed dial but with email. My journey was challenging and she made it easier to understand and follow through. I am so much healthier and lighter overall. I just find her hours difficult with my schedule.
After the COVID lockdown I was at my highest weight and my usual diet and exercise didn’t help. The doctor said I was fine, just eat less, exercise more. I followed Dr. Jiwani’s treatment and was surprised at the results. I haven’t felt this good in years, I just didn’t realize that normal symptoms are signs of poor health, causing my stubborn weight.
I am thrilled with my results. My dermatologist wanted to put me on ******* for my cystic acne after multiple rounds of antibiotics didn’t work. I did not like the side effects listed so I found a naturopath. I want to cry thinking about it as Dr. Jiwani helped me fix my skin in months! I have been battling severe cystic acne for over twenty years, and am frustrated that the medical profession cannot see the benefits of naturopaths. It is definitely not easy to change your lifestyle, but absolutely worth it. I have learned things about health that I can carry forward and share with my family. My best friend is now seeing her for arthritis and is very impressed with her compassion, accessibility and advice.
Thanks to Dr. Jiwani for helping me with my migraine headaches after 15 years of unbearable pain. I took so many painkillers my stomach would burn. My doctor wanted to prescribe stronger pills. So many sick days missing work, so I tried a naturopath. I saw her great website and tried the free visit. I am pain free and every day it’s like wow I don’t have a headache!
I finally saw Dr. Jiwani after my doctor said I was healthy, confirmed with multiple scans. I knew something was wrong, because every time I ate I had terrible indigestion, and the worst bloating & pain you could imagine. I tried removing various foods but nothing helped. Dr. Jiwani did a blood test and found multiple food allergies. Once I changed my diet, the difference was like night and day. I have lost weight on this plan, but the best part is my body swelling is gone. I am down 3 dress sizes, and full of energy, feeling half my age.
My girlfriend found this naturopath to help with my sleep and anxiety issues. I was skeptical but I had tried various prescriptions and didn’t like the side effects. Basically the natural treatments are working. I can’t believe how good I feel, sleeping like a baby. My girlfriend says I am calmer and happier, so we are very happy with the results.
Dr. Jiwani Reviews
My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for 5 years, partly because of my PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). With Dr. Jiwani’s help, I was able to lose weight, get my blood sugar normal and eventually have a healthy girl. I have referred family and friends, who are also happy with their results.
I received treatment for my seasonal allergies that were getting worse in the past few years, to where the medications didn’t work anymore. After the horrible effects of steroids, I found Dr. Jiwani who helped me get healthy and allergy-free. I think everyone should see a naturopath for help before taking drugs. Less 1 star for waiting 6 weeks for an appointment, mind you I had to wait 6 months for my specialist.
When I found Dr. Jiwani I had seen multiple specialists and alternative health providers. She was the only one that was confident yet frank about what it would take to get my rheumatoid arthritis under control, as the drugs had terrible side effects, while the biologics stopped working. It is a trying path to navigate and Dr. Jiwani has held my hand the whole way, the anger, the tears and the relief and joy when things improve despite everyone’s doubts. Now I understand my health in a completely different way, it is inspiring.

This information is for educational purposes only and does not advocate self-diagnosis. Due to individual variability, consultation with a licensed health professional, such as a licensed naturopathic physician is highly recommended, prior to starting a natural treatment plan. For further information, see Terms of our Website.
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